BI Report, Business Intelligence Report,, Business Unit structure, Enterprise structure, security

LoV Queries: Legal Entity, Business Unit, Inventory, Sub Inv.

If you are creating a report in Fusion, chances are that you’ll need the report parameters. And to stop user from entering unexpected values, you’d need to provide LoV’s to the parameters. In this article I’ll share the LoV queries for following entities:
1. Legal Entity
2. Business Unit
3. Inventory Org
4. Sub Inventory

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By the way, Here ( India) or Here ( Other Geographies) are few UNCONVENTIONAL tricks which I have learnt to improve the performance of BI reports. Try them only when nothing else works.. kind of SOS...

LoV Queries:

Legal Entity: “What is Legal Entity” is the first question which pops in the mind. Simplest answer without going to the details is the entity which government of the geography identifies. On a lighter note, who you can sue if something goes wrong. Coming back to the topic, Only in case your enterprise has multiple legal entities, then only this field makes sense. Query in that case would be:
select name Legal_Entity
from Xle_entity_profiles

Business Unit: Again, if your Enterprise has multiple legal entities, you’ll need to make it a dependent LoV. Otherwise it can be a simple independent LoV query.

For single Legal Entity:
select name BU_NAME
from hr_operating_units hou

For multiple Legal Entities: Dependent LoV query-
select BU_NAME
from hr_operating_units hou ,
Xle_entity_profiles le
where hou.DEFAULT_LEGAL_CONTEXT_ID = le.legal_entity_id

So as you can see, if the legal entity parameter is provided, Business Units belonging to only that Legal Entity will be fetched by the query. Otherwise all the available business units will show up in the LoV.

Inventory: Inventory is the place where you store your items in. It’s always better to keep this LoV dependent on the Business Unit: And for that you can write the query like this:

select iop.organization_code
inv_org_parameters iop,
hr_operating_units hou
where iop.BUSINESS_UNIT_ID = hou.organization_id
and iop.INVENTORY_FLAG = ‘Y’
and = NVL(:BU_NAME,

Sub Inventory: Of course, it is better to define the sub inventory LoV based on the inventory.
SELECT secondary_inventory_name
inv_secondary_inventories subinv,
WHERE subinv.organization_id = iop.organization_id

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