BI Report, Business Intelligence Report,, Oracle Fusion, Oracle Fusion Finance

Onhand Quantity Query in Oracle Fusion

Onhand Quantity, a phrase you’ll hear umpteen times working in Oracle Fusion if you have implemented “inventory” module. So what exactly is Onhand Quantity. This quantity is nothing but the quantity you have to allocate for any purpose say sales order. Here is the small query you can use to find out the onhand qty of an item for a particular inventory org.

By the way, Here ( India) or Here ( Other Geographies) are few UNCONVENTIONAL tricks which I have learnt to improve the performance of BI reports or SQL queries. Try them only when nothing else works.. kind of SOS...

SELECT SUM(NVL(dtls.transaction_quantity, 0)) Onhand_qty
FROM inv_onhand_quantities_detail dtls,
egp_system_items_b esi,
inv_org_parameters iop
WHERE dtls.inventory_item_id = esi.inventory_item_id
AND dtls.organization_id = iop.organization_id
AND esi.item_number = :item_number
AND upper(iop.organization_code) = :Org

as you can see, this query takes item_number and Org input parameters. Alter it to suit your needs.

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