Inv_material_txns: Table structure, Indexes & salient points.
Category: Constraints
IBY_EXT_BANK_ACCOUNTS: Table Structure and Indexes
IBY_EXT_BANK_ACCOUNTS: Table Structure and Indexes and a few salient points.
CE_BANK_ACCOUNTS: Table Structure & Indexes
CE_BANK_ACCOUNTS: Table structure, index and how to find the bank name for an internal bank account.
PO_DISTRIBUTIONS_ALL: Table Structure & Indexes
PO_DISTRIBUTIONS_ALL: Table structure, Indexes and Constraints on the table and few insights to connect the po with other entities.
PO_LINE_LOCATIONS_ALL: Table Structure and Indexes
PO_LINE_LOCATIONS_ALL table structure & indexes of the table used by Oracle to store the shipment details and few key points to remember.