PL-SQL Script for Approved Supplier List creation for item(s) In Oracle R12 using API po_asl_api_pub.create_update_asl
ASL Creation – Copy from One Inv Org to Another
DECLAREl_msg VARCHAR2(2000) := NULL;x_message_list Error_Handler.Error_Tbl_Type;x_return_status VARCHAR2(100);x_msg_count NUMBER := 0;l_rowcnt NUMBER := 0;x_session_key NUMBER;x_return_msg VARCHAR2 (2000);x_errors po_asl_api_error_rec;l_n_purchasing_org_id NUMBER := NULL;l_n_bec_org_Id NUMBER := NULL; l_api_version NUMBER := 1.0; l_init_msg_list VARCHAR2(2) := FND_API.G_TRUE; l_commit VARCHAR2(2) := FND_API.G_TRUE; --Table type to update the must_use_approved_vendor_flag l_item_tbl_typ ego_item_pub.item_tbl_type; x_item_table ego_item_pub.item_tbl_type; --Table type to do the substitute item assignment l_item_org_assignment_tbl EGO_ITEM_PUB.ITEM_ORG_ASSIGNMENT_TBL_TYPE; --Cursor… Continue reading ASL Creation – Copy from One Inv Org to Another
Item Assignment Script in Oracle R12
PL-SQL script to assign the items from one inventory org to another.
Account Payables Invoice Query In Oracle Fusion
AP Invoice is something Oracle used to pay the supplier for the goods or the services provided by them. You can say that creation and payment of AP Invoice is the last leg in P2P Cycle. So if you have implemented P2P Cycle, chances are that you will need to use Account Payables Invoice query… Continue reading Account Payables Invoice Query In Oracle Fusion
POZ_SUPPLIERS: Supplier Table In Oracle Fusion
POZ_SUPPLIERS is the table used by Oracle Fusion to store the data related to supplier. Supplier is someone you use to source the material or the services from, so it makes supplier one of the key entities in your business. So if you have implemented Purchasing/ Payables or P2P Cycle, it is inevitable that you… Continue reading POZ_SUPPLIERS: Supplier Table In Oracle Fusion